Freedom Network

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Our network is built around the "Right To Keep and Bear Arms. Our memberships include various Eagle positions. Each one is designed to inform and instruct each member ...Adult or the freedom to pursue their status of firearms owner and supporter. Join Our network and enjoy your freedom choices. Earn AmmoPoints On Our Exclusive Social Network Premium Network Discounts
Protect Your Freedom

Our network is an online and and onsite membership of dedicated supporters of the 2nd Amendment. Through our network members use our CastChat platform for their freedom voice on the leading social media outlets . Through our onsite events members exercise their “Right To Keep And Bear Arms “. 


Get Your Defender Discounts on All Firearms Protection Plans Today! Don't

Defend Yourself And Your Family
More Info You have taken steps to protect yourself and any others physically, but what if the very act of doing so could jeopardize you or your family legally and financially? It won't be your homeowners policy or other AD&D policies. To complete your personal and family protection you need to take advanced action. Our Defender membership begins by enrolling in Firearms Legal Protection Plan of Dallas Tx. Enroll Today and receive network discounts. Legal Protection Plan

The Second Amendment Social Platform

Streaming Freedom
Across The USA

Ammo Patriot Network

“Our network of members are dedicated to the preservation of our Second Amendment. Our social platform allows the freedom to exercise and express that right .” 

Defender Legal Protection

It is your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. It is your responsibility to protect yourself and your family from todays labyrinth of legal woes. Our Ammo Patriot Defender membership is a registered producer for Firearms Legal Protection of Dallas Tx.

Eagle NRA Memberships

Your voice to protect your right to keep and bear arms. Since 1871 the NRA has been about firearms and training. In present day America the NRA protects your right to The 2nd Amendment.

Golden Eagle Membership

Our premium network membership that offers the Defender FLP and NRA memberships at various levels. Included is the Patriot Affiliate program that allows a member to receive residual income as a network affiliate.

Z Grills
Z Grills

Charlotte Region

Our Charlotte Region of North Carolina

Our Charlotte Regional Area is marketed by Jim Barnes of Barnes Datagistics.  Jim is the VP of Ammo Patriot Air Rifle Association (APARA).

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A note to our visitors

This website has updated its privacy policy in compliance with changes to European Union data protection law, for all members globally. We’ve also updated our Privacy Policy to give you more information about your rights and responsibilities with respect to your privacy and personal information. Please read this to review the updates about which cookies we use and what information we collect on our site. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our updated privacy policy.

Your Legal Rights

—Get 10,000 Ammo Points Added To Your Network Membership

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